Geometric Algorithms for Manufacturing, Seminar, Spring 1997


Lecture: Wednesday, 17:00-19:00, Aliyah Building, room 202

Instructor: Dan Halperin, [email protected]
Office hours by appointment

The seminar will cover geometric algorithms related to three areas of (computer-aided-) manufacturing:

After an introductory meeting (19/02), we will follow the schedule below of student’s presentations.

Assembly sequencing and movable separability

  • 26.03 Speaker: Omri Tal
    • On translating a set of rectangles
      L. Guibas and F. Yao, Advances in Computing Research, Vol. 1. (1983), pp. 61–77
  • 05.03 Speaker: Hayim Shaul
    • Movable separability of sets
      G.T. Toussaint, Computational Geometry, Ed. (1985), pp. 335–375
  • 12.03 Speaker: Tal Lev Ami
    • Geometric reasoning about mechanical assembly
      R.H. Wilson and J.-C. Latombe, Artificial Intelligence, 71 (1994), pp. 371–396
  • 19.03 Speaker: Yotam Abramson
    • Objects that cannot be taken apart with two hands
      J. Snoeyink and J. Stolfi, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 12 (1994), pp. 367–384
  • 26.03 Speakers: Ehud Amiri and Oren Grozovik
    • Polyhedral assembly partitioning using maximally covered cells in arrangements of convex polytopes
      L. Guibas, D. Halperin, H. Hirukawa, J.-C. Latombe and R.H. Wilson, International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications
  • 02.04 Speakers: Vladimir Goldner and Alex Rabinovich
    • On the hardness of approximating the cost of assembly sequencing
      M. Goldwasser and R. Motwani, manuscript, 1996
  • 09.04 Speakers: Ofir Barzilay and Rabin Shahav
    • Assembly partitioning along simple paths: the case of multiple translations
      D. Halperin and R.H. Wilson, Advanced Robotics

Part manipulation

  • 16.04 Speaker: Yaron Magber
    This is the first day of HUFSHAT PESACH—this meeting replaces a meeting on the last week of the semester.

    • Orienting polygonal parts without sensors
      K.Y. Goldberg, Algorithmica, 10 (1993), pp. 201–225
  • 30.04 Speaker: Dror Livnat
    • On fence design and the complexity of push plans for orienting parts
      R.P.~Berretty, K.Y. Goldberg, M.H. Overmars, and A.F. van der Stappen, Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1997
  • 07.05 Speakers: Shachar Lovett and Shahar Yekutiel
    • The area bisectors of a polygon and force equilibria in programmable vector fields
      K.F. Boehringer, B.R. Donald and D. Halperin, Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symp. on Computational Geometry, 1997


  • 14.05 Speaker: Ziv Modai
    • Filling polyhedral molds
      P. Bose, M. van Kreveld, and G. Toussaint, Proceedings of the 3rd WADS, Vol. 709 of LNCS (1993), pp. 210–221.
  • 21.05 Speaker: Assaf Natanzon
    • Determining the castability of simple polyhedra
      P. Bose, D. Bremner, and M. van Kreveld, Algorithmica, 1997
  • 28.05 Speaker: Michael Lewin
    • New results on casting
      M. de Berg, P. Bose, S.W. Cheng, D. Halperin, J. Matousek, and O. Schwarzkopf, In Proceeding of the 13th ACM Symp. on Computational Geometry, 1997

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